Thursday, January 6, 2011

Cr@Zy inDeed...

I wana b..I wana b..I wana b..funny how when we I was younger, i seemed to have my career life ALL figured out! Excelled through school, then to Building Design in Uni and now 1 year out of school am totally lost in a fog of possible would be be continued!

I have a gift of COMPASSION! at this step of my life I have had conviction and immense hearing from the Lord to take it further..apparently, God feels through me and in a way uses me to reach out to His people..creepy huh?well...yeah...i just might end up somewhere there for post grad...

HOWEVER...I still do love design and all it has to offer!..PS; abit of interiors i mean and LOTS of function decor :)))

Hence..I have this company with my friends; dealing in decor I mean! F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S

Stick around for pictures@@#*$